Paper: "Seeing the present from the future: Glocal Armenians and the Homeland?", ARPA Institute, 25th Anniversary Conference:Armenians and Armenia in the 21st Century: A Strategy for Long-Term Development.
15 July 2017, Glendale Civic Auditorium, Glendale, California.
In recent years a new discourse on “global Armenians” is increasingly becoming part of an effort of constructing a post-Genocide Armenian identity in the Diaspora — and Armenia. These new identity shapers seem to advocate a transition from “survival mentality” to celebration of life and success. One definition was provided in a full-page letter
... facing them,with a particular focus on the Armenians, the largest Christian community in the country.
Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian is an activist sociologist. In recent years he has drawn attention to the ...
Conference on "Armenian Identity in the 21st Century", Hrant Dink Foundation, Istanbul
«Հրանդ Տինք Հիմնարկ»ի ու «Համազգային»ի Գործակցութեամբ Գիտաժողով
Հոկտեմբեր 7-8 թուականներուն կայացաւ «Հայկական ինքնութեան քննական մօտերցումներ 21-րդ դարուն՝ խոցելիութիւն, առաձգականութիւն եւ փոխակերպութիւն» խորագրեալ գիտաժողովը... Հրաչ Չիլինկիրեան (Օքսֆորտ համալսարանի դասախօս)- «Պէտք է ըսել, որ բացառիկ յաջողութեամբ անցաւ այս երկու օրը։ Ինծի համար յատկապէս իւրայատուկ երեւոյթ մըն է, որ «Հրանդ Տինք Հիմնարկ»ն ու Համազգայինը այս նախաձեռնութիւնը կազմակերպած էին։ Հայ ինքնութեան մասին Պոլսոյ մէջ հաւաքուիլ ու խօսիլ՝ կարծես առաւել
... University’s business school (2003-2012). Since 2012, he is an associate member of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at University of Oxford, focusing on Middle Eastern and Armenian studies, with a particular ...
... Armenian-Diaspora relations and Armenian identity in a post-truth context.
::/introtext:: ::fulltext::Armenia and the Diaspora in the Post-Truth 21st Century
EVN Report podcast, 6 June 2017
Arto ...
Türkiye’de yeni Ermeni Patriğinin seçilmesi süreci, geleneksel devlet dayatmaları, idari zorluklar ve Ermeni toplumuna yönelik keyfi muamelelerle karşı karşıya. Durum geçtiğimiz haftalarda Patrikhanedeki üst düzey din adamlarının meseleyi bölücü bir büyük krize dönüştüren şahsi çatışmaları ve hırsları nedeniyle daha da kötüleşti.
... in Turkey. Government Meddling in the Election is Inevitable, but Not Decisive
By Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian
Horizon, March 27, 2017
The election process of a new Armenian Patriarch in Turkey faces ...
Lecture: Հայ եկեղեցին, հասարակութիւն և քաղաքականութիւն. Խորհրդային ժառանգութեան ազդեցութիւնն ու մարտահրաւէրները», Երևանի Պետական Համալսարան, Մշակութաբանության ամբիոն, Yerevan State University, Dept. of Cultural Studies.
Lecture: “The ‘Other’ Citizens – Armenians in Turkey between Isolation and (dis)Integration”, American University of Armenia (AUA), Political Science & International Affairs (PSIA).
Lecture: “A 15th century ‘Curriculum for Educating Infants’ in the Armenian Church”, Eastern Christianity Lecture Series convened by the Oxford Armenian Studies, The Oriental Institute, University of Oxford
Panel speaker: "European Identity in the Times of Post-Truth Politics", held at the London School of Economics and Political Science, organised by LSESU European Society and The Youth Association for a Greater Europe.
On Thursday February 23rd, the Youth Association for a Greater Europe and the LSESU European Society invited students and public for a panel discussion on 'European Identity in the Times of Post-Truth Politics' at the LSE. Our speakers – Roger Casale, founder of New Europeans and former MP for Wimbledon, and Dr Hratch Tchilingirian, member of the Faculty of Oriental Studies
Oxford University scholar Hratch Tchilingirian has published an article entitled "The 'Other' Citizens: Armenians in Turkey Between Isolation and (Dis)integration."
Since the establishment of the Turkish Republic, state discrimination against the Armenian community—and generally the non-Muslim minorities—has been institutionalized and systematically
Since the establishment of the Turkish Republic, state discrimination against the Armenian community—and generally the non-Muslim minorities—has been institutionalized and systematically used towards the detriment of the target community. This article provides a discussion of these issues and the processes of state and societal ‘othering’ of the Armenians in Turkey, with a particular focus on the impact of such policies and public discourses on the current situation of the community. It then provides an analysis of the internal dynamics of the Armenian community itself. The discussion highlights several sociological concepts that are useful to the understanding and analysis of the Turkish state’s and society’s treatment of the Armenians in Turkey today—or what the economists would call the stresses and distortions in the system.
... University of Armenia
“The ‘Other’ Citizens – Armenians in Turkey between Isolation and (dis)Integration”
Նոյեմբեր 16, 2016, ժամը 12-ից 13.30, Մաշտոցի անվան մատենադարան
“Հետազոտության մեթոդաբանություն, ...