Armenian Communities in the Middle East: Losing the Past in the Future?

Sotiris BookCoverHratch Tchilingirian (2023) “Armenian Communities in the Middle East: Losing the Past in the Future?” in Sotiris Roussos (ed.), From Pluralism to Extinction?: Perspectives and Challenges for Christians in the Middle East. London: Transnational Press, 13-44.
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Reverse Engineering: A State-Created Albanian Apostolic Church

CaucasianAlbanianCOVERHratch Tchilingirian (2023) “Reverse Engineering: A State-Created ‘Albanian Apostolic Church’” in Caucasian Albania. An International Handbook. Edited by Jost Gippert and Jasmine Dum-Tragut. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2023: 581-609,

Abstract: This Chapter provides a brief historical overview of Christianity in Nagorno-Karabakh in the wider context of the modern Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict and disputed territories. It then focuses on how the Azerbaijani state is constructing an “Albanian Apostolic Church” – variously called “Udi Church” or “Udi Orthodox Church” – as part of a new narrative that connects modern-day Azerbaijanis to ancient peoples, cultures and early Christianity in the Caucasus. The common features of this state-“engineered” narrative are denial of facts, erasure of evidence and reinvention of history, which goes back to Soviet times.


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What is *Armenian* in Armenian Identity

Critical Approaches CoverHratch Tchilingirian (2021) "What is 'Armenian' in Armenian Identity?" in Altuğ Yılmaz (ed.) Critical Approaches to Armenian Identity in the 21st Century: Vulnerability, Resilience and Transformation. Istanbul: Hrant Dink Foundation. pp. 31-40.


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Christians in Modern Turkey


Hratch Tchilingirian (2020) “Christians in Modern Turkey. Native Foreigners” in Handbook of Christianity in the Middle East (eds. Mitri Raheb and Mark A. Lamport). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.





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Western Armenian in the 21st Century

Cover WesternArmenian21stcenturyHratch Tchilingirian (2019) “Western Armenian in the 21st Century: Issues of ‘Thinking’ and ‘Creating’ in Armenian” in Western Armenian in the 21st Century: Challenges and New Approaches, edited by Bedross Der Matossian and Barlow Der Mugrdechian. The Press at California State University, Fresno, 2019: 1-28.


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Christianity in Turkey

Christianity NAWA_EdinburghCoverHratch Tchilingirian and Ed Alden (2018) "Turkey" in Christianity in North Africa and West Asia, edited by Kenneth R. Ross, Mariz Tadros, and Todd M. Johnson. Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018: 92-101.


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Christianity in Armenia & Karabakh

Christianity NAWA_EdinburghCoverHratch Tchilingirian (2018) “Armenia and Karabkah” in Christianity in North Africa and West Asia, edited by Kenneth R. Ross, Mariz Tadros, and Todd M. Johnson. Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018: 190-201.


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Armenian Communities in the Middle East

ReligiousMinoritiesCoverHratch Tchilingirian (forthcoming) "Minority within Minorities: Armenian communities in the Middle East between imposed realities and uncertain future" in Erica C.D. Hunter (ed.) Religious Minorities in the Middle East and North Africa: A Complete Survey of Non-Muslim Communities. I. B. Tauris.


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The Armenian Apostolic Church: Post-Soviet Era

RelPolitics21st coverHratch Tchilingirian (2014) "The Armenian Apostolic Church" in Lucian Leustean (ed.) Eastern Christianity and Politics in the Twenty-First Century.  Routledge. (Amazon)

Armenia's independence in 1991 turned a new page in the life of the Armenian nation and provided the Church an opportunity to renew herself and reinvigorate her mission. The realities at the beginning of the 21st 


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