Revisiting Political Ideology and Strategy

Massis Weekly, Volume 27, No. 40 Saturday, November 10, 2007 

Revisiting Political Ideology and Strategy 

Hratch Tchilingirian 

The immediate reaction of a casual observer of Armenian life in the Diaspora to the 120th anniversary of the first Armenian political party is, arguably, of irrelevance. While the majority of diasporans are familiar with the "three traditional political parties", they are hardly familiar with the program and history of these national institutions that have preserved Armenian political and cultural life in dispersion for over one hundred years. 

pdfArmenian version, Ararat Special Issue (Beirut) 2008

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Andranik Margaryan

The Independent (UK) Published: 28 March 2007

Andranik Margaryan 
Prime Minister of Armenia

Andranik Margaryan, politician: born Yerevan, Soviet Union 12 June 1951; Prime Minister of Armenia 2000-07; married (one son, two daughters); died Yerevan, Armenia 25 March 2007.

Hratch Tchilingirian

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Hrant Dink et les Arméniens en Turquie

Yevrobatsi - Publié le : 06-03-2007

"Hrant Dink et les Arméniens en Turquie" (traduction Georges Festa) 

par Hratch Tchilingirian

[L’assassinat du journaliste turco-arménien Hrant Dink, le 19 janvier 2007, et ses conséquences mettent en lumière à la fois les changements et les résistances aux changements dans la société turque. Pour comprendre le long chemin traversé par les dernières générations en Turquie, Hratch Tchilingirian examine le rôle personnel de Hrant Dink dans le contexte de la communauté arménienne dont il était le porte-parole, le critique et le symbole.]

Hratch Tchilingirian

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So near, yet so far away from Peace

The United Kingdom Parliament


So near, yet so far away from Peace

Hratch Tchilingirian
University of Cambridge

Statement delivered in the House of Commons on the occasion of the launch of "Nagorny Karabakh Report" (Accord Issue 17, Conciliation Resources), hosted by Angus Robertson MR, Shadow Scottish Minister for Defence & Foreign Affairs. The Palace of Westminster, 1 February 2006.

Hratch Tchilingirian

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Geopolitics and Business Development in the Caspian Regi

Hratch Tchilingirian and Stacy Closson, “Geopolitics and Business Development in the Caspian Region”. Conference Report, Geopolitics and Business Development in the Caspian Region, 17-18 September 2005. Cambridge: Eurasia Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, 2005.


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Turkish-Armenian relations need untangling

A special publication of The Armenian Weekly and The Aztag Daily newspaper, 24 April 2005.

Recognition or Reconciliation?

Turkish-Armenian relations need untangling

Hratch Tchilingirian
University of Cambridge

Ninety years after the most catastrophic episode in Armenian history, the Genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire remains the most problematic and determinant factor in Turkish-Armenian relations. For decades, Armenian expectations and demands for recognition by Turkey have been "reciprocated" by official Turkish denial. In recent years, however, the ideas of "reconciliation" and "dialogue" in Turkish-Armenian relations are gaining currency in Turkey. Nevertheless, the issue is not simple, but multi-faceted and complex.

Hratch Tchilingirian

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A Tortured Priest Rests in Peace

The Armenian Reporter (New York), February 21, 2004.

A Tortured Priest Rests in Peace. In memory of Fr. Manuel Yergatian

The Very Rev. Fr. Manuel Yergatian, the pastor of the Armenian Church in the Netherlands. passed away on February 11, 2004 at the young age of 50. He was a member of the St. James Brotherhood of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Hratch Tchilingirian

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In Memory of Fr. Manuel Yergatian

A Tortured Priest Rests in Peace; In Memory of Fr. Manuel Yergatian

Armenian Reporter International [Paramus] 21 Feb 2004: 22.

Hratch Tchilingirian 

The Very Rev. Fr. Manuel Yergatian, the pastor of the Armenian Church in the Netherlands, passed away on February 11, 2004 at the young age of 50. He was a member of the St. James Brotherhood of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. In 1980, the life of this energetic priest, who was full and contagious enthusiasm, changed irretrievably. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A citizen of Turkey, he was arrested in October 1980 at Istanbul airport while en route to Jerusalem. He was only 33 years old at the time. Fr. Manuel was charged with anti-Turkish activities in the years when various acts of political violence against Turks by Armenians were taking place.

Hratch Tchilingirian

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From Adana to London: The 90 Year Old Orphan

Haratch (Parish) 2 August 2002

From Adana to London: The 90 Year Old Orphan - The Story of Rosa Khdrian

Hratch Tchilingirian

[in Armenian, see PDF version]

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