"Garine" (1969)
Panelist: London screening of "Garine" (1969, Soviet Armenia; director Armen Manaryan). Kino Klassika, in partnership with the Armenian Institute, 21 January 2020, Ciné Lumière (Institut français), London.
Armenians in Turkey
Lecture: "The 'Other' Citizens: Armenians in Turkey today", 4 November 2019, ANC NJ and Hovnanian School, at Hovnanian School, New Milford, NJ, USA.
Turkey: Patriarchal Election
Lecture: “The Election of Patriarch of Constantinople: An Update”, 3 November 2019, St. James Armenian Church, Watertown, MA, USA.
Hratch Tchilingirian (short bio)
The Church in Russia and relations with the Diaspora
"У нас украли веру": как Армянская апостольская церковь оказалась на грани раскола
BBC 13 сентября 2019
. . . "Главным инструментом централизации стало введение унифицированных уставов для Армянской церкви по всему миру", - говорит в интервью Би-би-си профессор Института Востока Оксфордского университета Грач Чилингирян
["The main instrument of centralization of administrative authority has been through the imposition of a unified bylaws for the Armenian Church globally," said Hratch Tchilingirian] ....
... «Կենտրոնացման գլխավոր գործիքը դարձավ Հայկական եկեղեցու միասնական կանոնադրությունների ներմուծումը ամբողջ աշխարհում»,- ասում է Օքսֆորդի համալսարանի Արևելքի ինստիտուտի պրոֆեսոր Հրաչ Չիլինկիրեանը։ (CivilNet.am 14 սեպտեմբեր, 2019)
Հետազօտութիւն սփիւռքեան ժամանակակից կեանքի մասին
Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian Appointed Director of Armenian Diaspora Survey
Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian Appointed Director of Armenian Diaspora Survey
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 23 May 2019
The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in partnership with the Armenian Institute of London, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian as the Director of the Armenian Diaspora Survey (ADS) project.
Electing 'Patriarch of Constantinople': Church and State relations in Turkey
Lecture: "Electing 'Patriarch of Constantinople': Church and State relations since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey." Eastern Christianity Lecture Seminar Series (6th edition), 28 May 2019, Pembroke College, Oxford.
Yarıda kalmış bir yolculuğun ardından on yıl süren bir veda
Agos, 18.03.2019
‘Yarıda kalmış bir yolculuğun ardından on yıl süren bir veda’
Hratch Tchilingirian Patrik Mutafyan’ın vefatı üzerine geniş bir makale kaleme aldı. Bu makaleden bölümler sunuyoruz.
Patrik Mesrob Mutafyan, Ermeni Kilisesi’nin yakın tarihindeki en cesur, en ilkeli ve en ileri görüşlü liderlerdendi. Gençliği, karizması, güçlü dinî ve idari önderliği, patrik seçildiği dönemde Türkiye’deki Ermeni toplumunun ihtiyaç duyduğu vasıflardı. Ancak on yıl süren hastalığı, cemaat yaşamında yeni bir dönemin
Un adieu de dix ans pour un voyage écourté
NB Hebdo, N° 143 – 14 mars 2019: 5-6.
In memoriam : le patriarche Mesrob Moutafian (1956-2019)
Par Hratch Tchilingirian
Le patriarche Mesrob Moutafi an était l'un des hommes d'église les plus courageux, les plus intègres et les plus inspirés de l'histoire contemporaine de l'Église arménienne. Sa jeunesse, son charisme, son
A decade-long goodbye for a journey cut short
... Turkish state and society were the same: state-instituted discrimination of minorities and erosion of their rights. In his eulogy at Hrant Dink’s funeral, Patriarch Mesrob lamented the “enmity against ...
Western Armenian in the 21st Century
Hratch Tchilingirian (2019) “Western Armenian in the 21st Century: Issues of ‘Thinking’ and ‘Creating’ in Armenian” in Western Armenian in the 21st Century: Challenges and New Approaches, edited by Bedross Der Matossian and Barlow Der Mugrdechian. The Press at California State University, Fresno, 2019: 1-28.
Armenian Khatchkar in Canterbury
Armenian Khatchkar in the Canterbury Cathedral’s Memorial Garden
Hratch Tchilingirian | 2 March 2019
A new Armenian khatchkar (cross stone) was consecrated in the Canterbury Cathedral’s Memorial Garden on Friday March 2nd. The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby presided over the ceremony.
The Syrian-Armenian 'refugee' jewellers of Yerevan
The Syrian-Armenian 'refugee' jewellers of Yerevan
Al Jazeera, 6 February 2019
"They've had to start from zero, and obviously, they've had their difficulties," said Hratch Tchilingirian, a sociologist and associate faculty member at the University of Oxford, who specialises in Middle Eastern and Armenian studies.
Oxford lance la série de vidéos «Research Notes»
Oxford lance la série de vidéos «Research Notes»
NH Hebdo, N° 135, 17 janvier 2019.
La faculté d’arménologie de l'université d’Oxford vient de lancer une série de vidéos intitulée «Research Notes».
«Cette nouvelle initiative vise à toucher un public plus large, au-delà des cercles universitaires, et à attirer l'attention sur la profondeur et la portée des études arméniennes en proposant des extraits sur un sujet précis ou sur des résultats de recherche», explique Hratch Tchilingirian, qui a conçu et produit les clips.
Oxford Armenian Studies Launches ‘Research Notes’
Oxford Armenian Studies Launches ‘Research Notes’
MassisPost, 13 January 2019 Hay Dzayn 15 January 2019 Massis Weekly, 19 January 2019
OXFORD, UK — Oxford Armenian Studies launched short video “Research Notes” featuring Armenian studies scholars in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at University of Oxford. “This new initiative aims to reach a wider audience beyond academia and to draw attention to the depth and scope of Armenian studies by providing a snippet of a subject or research findings,” explained Hratch Tchilingirian, who conceived and produced the clips.
Field of Study
Saving the Crown Jewel
Saving the Crown Jewel
Why the future of the Armenian World’s most coveted address hangs in the balance
By Daniel Halton
Along the narrow stone-covered streets, winding alleyways and ancient chapels inside Jerusalem’s walled city, one of the oldest Christian communities in the world sets out to observe a sacred rite, just as it has for the past 1,700 years.... “The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem is one of the richest and probably most significant living Armenian institutions in the world. The Patriarchate is the depository and custodian of an enormous religious and cultural heritage,” observed Hratch Tchilingirian, Professor of Armenian Studies at Oxford University.
Islamic Response to the Karabakh Conflict
... peut-on être Géorgien et... Européen ?
Altay Goynshov, Baku Research Institute, Bakou : Some aspects of the transformation of Azerbaijani society in the late 19th early 20th century
Levon ...
Perceptions of sexuality within the context of Armenian religious and cultural traditions