Paper: "The Future of Christianity in the Middle East" at conference on “Christianity in the Middle East today: Present challenges and future perspectives” organised by the Centre for Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College, University of London and the Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust in association with the Centre for World Christianity, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London.
18 June 2016, Heythrop College, University of London.
Hratch Tchilingirian (2016) “L’Eglise arménienne pendant la guerre froide : la crise Etchmiadzine-Antelias”, NH Hebdo, 9 juin.
l’Eglise Arménienne, en tant qu’institution religieuse, a été affectée à des fonctions « laïques » ou civiles pour « conduire la nation », alors que le clergé était devenu un agent et un médiateur mandatés par l’Etat entre les dirigeants, les gouvernements et les intérêts politiques. Dans le même temps, la société arménienne, en Arménie comme dans la diaspora, avait traversé un processus de sécularisation du fait d’un rationalisme et d’une modernité émergents, ce qui s’est traduit par le capitalisme, l’industrialisation et l’Etat-Nation. Ces développements historiques ont conduit l’Eglise arménienne à une sécularisation.
The Armenian Studies at University of Oxford organized a conference/workshop, entitled “Western Armenian in the 21st Century”, which was held in Oxford on 21-23 January 2016, with the financial support of the Caluste Gulbenkian Foundation. Hayern aysor presents an interview with Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian, sociologist in the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, who was the initiator and chief organizer of the conference.
... Diaspora Facing 2015”; and HratchTchilingirian (University of Oxford), “Armenians in Turkey: The Impact of post-Genocide Isolation and (dis)Integration.” ::/introtext:: ::fulltext::Society for Armenian ...
Lecture: “Military conflicts, religious extremism and future challenges facing Eastern Christianity in the Middle East today”, organised by Politics and International Relations Society.
Pour le 75ème anniversaire du Génocide des Arméniens, dans un communiqué publié le 29 avril 1989 à cette occasion, Leurs Saintetés Vazken Ier, Catholicos de tous les Arméniens et Karekin II, Catholicos de la Grande Maison de Cilicie, “proposent que les travaux de préparation à la canonisation des victimes (du Génocide) reprennent.” En effet, l’idée d’une commémoration religieuse des victimes
... at Westminster Abbey on 28 October 2015, in the presence of HRH The Prince of Wales, President of Armenia, Catholicos of All Armenians, the Bishop of London, dignitaries and more than 2000 people.
Hratch ...
... the meaning of their sainthood?*
By Dr HratchTchilingirian
On the 75th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, in a joint Communiqué issued on April 29, 1989 for the occasion, Their Holiness ...
Invited participant: “Azerbaijani Perspectives on the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict” with Rovshan Rzayev, Member of Azerbaijani Parliament and Executive Board Member of the Azerbaijani Community of the Nagorno Karabakh Region, and Kavus Abushov, Assistant Professor of Political Science, ADA University, Baku.
29 September 2015, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London.
Constructing Reality: scholarship and policy on post-independence Caucasus
Hratch Tchilingirian | 12 November 2013
This observation of an Abkhaz social worker captures the general frustration of "outsiders" with the Caucasus. I would add that the "frustration" is not only or necessarily on the empirical level, but about the changing shades of the "picture" formulated about the region by outsiders.
The end of the Soviet Union triggered major political, ideological, territorial, military, economic, social and cultural transitions in a vast geographic area, which has come to be known as Eurasia. This resource rich and increasingly significant region extends from eastern China to the borders of Europe and the Middle East.
... the service of the blessing of the four corners of the world.
At the formal opening of the Street Festival, Dr HratchTchilingirian welcomed everyone on behalf of the Armenian Church of St Sarkis ...