Human Rights Violations and Aggression subject of Bishop Grigoris Balakian Annual Lecture

Diocesan Newsletter. London, 20 March 2024— Critical issues of ethnic cleansing and international law was the subject of the inaugural Bishop Grigoris Balakian Annual Lecture, a new initiative of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Two distinguished speakers, Lord Alton of Liverpool and Dr Arman Tatoyan delivered compelling lectures on the topic of “Ethnic Cleansing: Does International Law Still Matter?” at St. Yeghiche Armenian Church in London on March 19th.
In setting the larger context of the annual lecture, Dr Hratch Tchilingirian, in his opening remarks as chair of the proceedings, said: “We are here tonight because “‘Never Again’ is again, and again, and again… We are gathered because crimes against humanity and human rights abuses are being committed before our very eyes from the Middle East to the Caucasus, to Eastern Europe, Asia, Central America and many parts of the world.”