Lecture, "Armenia from the Russian expansion in the Caucasus to the 21st century". This was part of a four-lecture Armenian History Course offered by the Armenian Institute in collaboration with Oxford Armenian Studies.
Panel Discussio with Andrew Jack (Financial Times), Hratch Tchilingirian (Oriental Institute, Oxford), Marina Nagai (International Alert) and Dennis Sammut (Links).
This talk on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict accompanies Imagined Futures, the first UK solo show by internationally exhibited artist Hrair Sarkissian, and aims to shed further light on issues raised by the works in the show.
Հրաչ Չիլինգիրյան (2015) «Միջին Արեվելքի Հայկական Համայնքները Պարտադրված և Անորոշ Ապագայի Միջեվ», Վերլուծական տեղեկագիր, հ. 7 Երեվանի Պետական Համալսարան, Քաղաքակրթական և մշակութային հետազոտությունների կենտրոն, էջ 217-248: [Hratch Tchilingirian (2015) "Armenian Communities in the Middle East", Analytical Journal, No. 7. Yerevan State University, Centre for Civilisation and Cultural Studies, pp. 217-248.]
".... Event organiser Hratch Tchilingirian emphasised that the event was aimed to foster civic culture and reconciliation: “We wanted to emphasize the essential human and moral dimensions of the societal rupture that genocide causes and the process of reconciliation through living culture”...
The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation hosted a unique two-day seminar for Armenian leaders to discuss future scenarios. The gathering was a high-level forum where forward-looking strategic discussions took place in a private, invitation-only environment. It was held on 13-14 October 2014.
Hratch Tchilingirian made a presentation on the prospects of the Armenian communities in the Middle East, entitled "To Stay or Not to Stay? The Question of the Century for Armenian communities in the Middle East".
Invited participant: "The Role of the OSCE Minsk Group in the Nagorny Karabakh Conflict" with Jacques Faure, Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group (2012-2014); the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 13 January 2015.
"Victors, Not Victims: Johnson Presents Case for Armenian Martyrs", by Florence Avakian
"Sociologist and Deacon Hratch Tchilingirian, in a 1990 article titled “Canonization of the Genocide Victims: Are We Ready?” wrote, “Theologically, once the victims of the genocide are canonized, the Armenian Church will be put under a dogmatic imperative. ..."
The Centre of World Christianity, Dept for the Study of Religions, SOAS hosted on Monday 28th April, 2014 a Workshop, ‘Christians in Syria and Iraq today: facing the challenges’ to explore the realities of the Christian communities in Syria and Iraq. Six speakers presented a rich spread of papers, chaired by Dr. Erica C. D. Hunter.
The closed workshop was attended by Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian (University of Oxford), Mar Polycarpus (Metropolitan and Arch Vicar of the Netherlands, Syrian Orthodox Church), Dr. Naures Atto (University of Cambridge), Father Dr. Behnam Sony (St. Ephrem’s Seminary, Karakoche, Iraq), Dr. Suha Rassam (Iraqi Christians in Need), and Dr. Anthony O’Mahony (Heythrop College). All participants presented and openly discussed papers pertaining to the current situation of Christians in Iraq and Syria under present conditions.
Paper: "Diaspora's 'Natives' or Native 'Diaspora'? Research and methodological questions regarding the study of Islamized Armenians in Turkey," at Armenian-Turkish Studies Workshop, Sheffield.
Invited participant, Roundtable on "The Impact of External Factors on Abkhazia's Internatl Debate", with Liana Kvarchelia, Deputy Director, Center for Humanitarian Programs, Abkhazia. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London.
Invited participant, Experts Roundtable on "The Immediate Reverberations of the events in Crimea and Ukraine" and "South Caucasus - the role of Turkey, and interface with Iran" with Fiona Hill, Center on the United States and Europe, Brookings Institution, and Gareth Winrow, Independent Analyst. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London.