Christians in Iraq and Syria Today

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Workshop ‘Christians in Iraq and Syria Today: Facing the Challenges’

19 May 2014

The Centre of World Christianity, Dept for the Study of Religions, SOAS hosted on Monday 28th April, 2014 a Workshop, ‘Christians in Syria and Iraq today: facing the challenges’ to explore the realities of the Christian communities in Syria and Iraq. Six speakers presented a rich spread of papers, chaired by Dr. Erica C. D. Hunter.

The closed workshop was attended by Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian (University of Oxford), Mar Polycarpus (Metropolitan and Arch Vicar of the Netherlands, Syrian Orthodox Church), Dr. Naures Atto (University of Cambridge), Father Dr. Behnam Sony (St. Ephrem’s Seminary, Karakoche, Iraq), Dr. Suha Rassam (Iraqi Christians in Need), and Dr. Anthony O’Mahony (Heythrop College). All participants presented and openly discussed papers pertaining to the current situation of Christians in Iraq and Syria under present conditions.

A detailed summary of the presented papers and the workshop can be found in the Report of Workshop Christians in Syria and Irac Today: Facing the Challenges.

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