... It was held on 13-14 October 2014.
Hratch Tchilingirian made a presentation on the prospects of the Armenian communities in the MiddleEast, entitled "To Stay or Not to Stay? The Question ...
"Victors, Not Victims: Johnson Presents Case for Armenian Martyrs", by Florence Avakian
"Sociologist and Deacon Hratch Tchilingirian, in a 1990 article titled “Canonization of the Genocide Victims: Are We Ready?” wrote, “Theologically, once the victims of the genocide are canonized, the Armenian Church will be put under a dogmatic imperative. ..."
The Centre of World Christianity, Dept for the Study of Religions, SOAS hosted on Monday 28th April, 2014 a Workshop, ‘Christians in Syria and Iraq today: facing the challenges’ to explore the realities of the Christian communities in Syria and Iraq. Six speakers presented a rich spread of papers, chaired by Dr. Erica C. D. Hunter.
The closed workshop was attended by Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian (University of Oxford), Mar Polycarpus (Metropolitan and Arch Vicar of the Netherlands, Syrian Orthodox Church), Dr. Naures Atto (University of Cambridge), Father Dr. Behnam Sony (St. Ephrem’s Seminary, Karakoche, Iraq), Dr. Suha Rassam (Iraqi Christians in Need), and Dr. Anthony O’Mahony (Heythrop College). All participants presented and openly discussed papers pertaining to the current situation of Christians in Iraq and Syria under present conditions.
... MiddleEast."
14 February 2014
(Audio: Part 1, Part 2)
::/introtext:: ::fulltext::The Faculty of Divinity and the Henry Martin Centre
University of Cambridge
Lecture: "Imposed ...
... gave a talk on "Armenians in the MiddleEast Today" at the Faculty of Divinity in Cambridge.
::/introtext:: ::fulltext::Community and Public Outreach by Oxford Armenian Studies Academics
By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN - New York Times - October 4, 2013 - p.A6
ECHMIADZIN, Armenia - In this ancient city, tucked in a valley that has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, King Tiridates III converted to Christianity and declared Armenia to be the world's first Christian state. The year was 301, more than a decade before the Emperor Constantine put Rome on a similar path.
"... [the] agenda seemed to ignore tough issues in favor of safe topics," said Hratch Tchilingirian, an expert on the church who teaches at Oxford University's Oriental Institute.
Սփիւռքի ժամանակակից հարցեր բնանիւթով դասախօսական հանդիպում մը Պէյրութի Հայկազեան համալսարանին մէջ
Կազմակերպութեամբ Հայկազեան համալսարանի հայագիտական ամպիոնին, սոյն համալսարանի հանդիսասրահին մէջ տեղի ունեցաւ դասախօսութիւն մը՝ Սփիւռքի ժամանակակից հարցեր նիւթով։ Օրուան բանախօսն էր Քեմպրիճի համալսարանէն դոկտ Հրաչ Չիլինկիրեան։ (Շարկ. ստորև)
... other.
Both Turkey and Azerbaijan undoubtedly have more to offer the west materially, in terms of diplomatic and financial interest – respectively, a secular Islamic haven in the Middle ...
"Armenian Christmas," as it is popularly called, is a culmination of celebrations of events related to Christ's Incarnation. Theophany or Epiphany (or Astvadz-a-haytnootyoon in Armenian) means "revelation of God," which is the central theme of the Christmas Season in the Armenian Church. During the "Armenian Christmas" season, the major events that are celebrated are the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem and His Baptism in the River Jordan. The day of this major feast in the Armenian Church is January 6th. A ceremony called “Blessing of Water” is conducted in the Armenian Church to commemorate Christ’s Baptism.
Տարածաշրջանային Հակամարտությունները եւ Ապագայ Անորոշությունները
Ժամանակակից Միջին Արեւելքում Հայ Համայնքները
Նոր Յառաջ - 25.05.2013
Վերջին տարիների ընթացքում Օքսֆորդի համալսարանի Արեւելագիտության ֆակուլտետի Հայագիտության ամբիոնը կազմակերպում է բազմաթիվ սեմինարներ եւ դասախոսություններ, որոնք նվիրված են հայ ժողովրդի պատմության եւ մշակույթի զանազան հարցերի քննարկմանն ու ուսումնասիրությանը: Ուսումնական տարվա վերջին միջոցառումների շարքը բացվեց Դոկտ. Հրաչ Չիլինկիրյանի դասախոսությամբ, որի վերնագիրն էր «Տարածաշրջանային Հակամարտությունները եւ Ապագա Անորոշությունները. Սփյուռքահայ Համայնքները Ժամանակակից Միջին Արեւելքում»: >>
Armenian Prelacy Celebrates 25th Anniversary of the Annual Sts. Ghevontiants Clergy Conference
Armenian Reporter International [Paramus] 01 Apr 2000: 14.
Antranig Baljian
Twenty-five years ago, in February of 1975, the Prelate Archbishop Karekin Sarkissian of blessed memory (later Catholicos of Cilicia and, even later, of All Armenians), conceived and organized a gathering of clergy from throughout the Prelacy to observe the Feast Day of Sts. Ghevontiank. This very first gathering of its kind took place at St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church in Indian Orchard, Massachusetts. For twenty-five years, this annual event has been observed in various communities throughout the Prelacy. This year, by arrangement of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan, Prelate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of the Eastern United States and Canada, this observance was again held in the parish where it all began twenty-five years ago.
The keynote speaker for the conference was Mr. Hratch Tchilingirian, who has been involved in many church-related and national organizations. His topic was "The Challenges Facing the Armenian Apostolic Church in the Twenty-first Century," focusing on what the church's mission should be in today's world.
An exercise in disinformation: linking Kurds to NKR
Armenian Reporter [Paramus, NJ] 02 Aug 2008: A4-A5.
Yelena Osipova & Emil Sanamyan
WASHINGTON - Turkish and Azerbaijani officials have frequently sought to link Armenians to the Kurdish resistance in Turkey, typically referred to as the Kurdistan Workers' Party (pkk). But they have provided little to no evidence to substantiate such linkages. These allegations made a comeback between last October and earlier this year at a fairly high level and with all the hallmarks of an organized disinformation campaign. This analysis seeks to deconstruct the chronology of this effort aimed against Armenia.
"Pursuit of 'terrorists' or the presence of terrorists in a given territory has been used as pretext by states around the world for military operations," Hratch Tchilingirian of the University of Cambridge told the Armenian Reporter via e-mail.