Եւրոպահայ Լրատւութեան Պահանջները, Հայկական Մամուլին Կարիքները նիւթով զրոյց-հանդիպում՝ Լոնտոնի մէջ
«Նոր Յառաջ» (Փարիզ) 3 Օգոստոս 2013
Երեքշաբթի, Յուլիս 16ին Լոնտոնի Սուրբ Սարգիս եկեղեցւոյ Կիւլպէնկեան սրահին մէջ Մեծն Բրիտանիոյ և Իռլանտայի Հայոց Առաջնորդութեան կողմէ կազմակերպուած էր զրոյց հանդիպում մէ «Նոր Յառաջ»ի տնօրէն՝ Ժիրայր Չոլաքեանի հետ, մասնակցութեամբ՝ Լոնտոնի [Օքսֆորտի] համալսարանէն Հրաչ Չիլինկիրեանի և ներկայութեամբ՝ Թեմակալ առաջնորդ Վահան Եպիսկ. Յուհաննէսեանի: Հանդիպումին նիւթն էր՝ «Եւրոպահայ լրատւութեան պահանջները և հայկական մամուլին կարիքները»:
Հրաչ Չիլինկիրեան, որ միաժամանակ Սուրբ Սարգիս եկեղեցւոյ հիմնարկի ատենապետն է. երեկոյթի բացման խօսքին մէջ դասախօսական մօտեցումէն աւելի ընդգծեց զրոյցին ձեւաչափը՝ աւելի աշխոյժ քննարկում կատարելու համար:
"Armenian Christmas," as it is popularly called, is a culmination of celebrations of events related to Christ's Incarnation. Theophany or Epiphany (or Astvadz-a-haytnootyoon in Armenian) means "revelation of God," which is the central theme of the Christmas Season in the Armenian Church. During the "Armenian Christmas" season, the major events that are celebrated are the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem and His Baptism in the River Jordan. The day of this major feast in the Armenian Church is January 6th. A ceremony called “Blessing of Water” is conducted in the Armenian Church to commemorate Christ’s Baptism.
U.S. Embassy Report by Robert P. Skinner on Deportations of Armenians in Turkey, 1934
Ankara, March 2, 1934: "I have the honor to bring to the Department's attention such details as have reached the Embassy from several sources concerning the recent deportations of Armenians from the interior of Anatolia to Istanbul."
[See full text in "read more" and image of document in PDF]
Եւրոպահայութեան լրատուական պահանջները եւ հայկական մամուլի կարիքները
Զրոյց լրատւութեամբ գերյագեցած հասարակարգի մէջ հայկական մամուլին դերին ու անոր արդիական ըմբռնումին մասին Նոր Յառաջ թերթի խմբագիր Ժիրայր Չոլաքեանի եւ Օքսֆորտ Համալսարանի Դոկտ. Հրաչ Չիլինկիրեանին հետ:
16 Յուլիս 2013, ժամը 19:30ին, Կիւլպենկեան սրահ, Լոնտոն
Mass Communications and Armenian Media in Europe
A discussion on the role and contemporary understanding of Armenian media and mass communications in Europe with Mr Jirayr Jolakian, the editor of Nor Haratch newspaper (Paris) and Dr Hratch Tchilingirian of Oxford Armenian Studies. (The discussion will be held in Armenian, with short briefings in English)
16 July 2013, 7:30 PM, Nvart Gulbenkian Hall, Iverna Gardens, Kensington, London
Տարածաշրջանային Հակամարտությունները եւ Ապագայ Անորոշությունները
Ժամանակակից Միջին Արեւելքում Հայ Համայնքները
Նոր Յառաջ - 25.05.2013
Վերջին տարիների ընթացքում Օքսֆորդի համալսարանի Արեւելագիտության ֆակուլտետի Հայագիտության ամբիոնը կազմակերպում է բազմաթիվ սեմինարներ եւ դասախոսություններ, որոնք նվիրված են հայ ժողովրդի պատմության եւ մշակույթի զանազան հարցերի քննարկմանն ու ուսումնասիրությանը: Ուսումնական տարվա վերջին միջոցառումների շարքը բացվեց Դոկտ. Հրաչ Չիլինկիրյանի դասախոսությամբ, որի վերնագիրն էր «Տարածաշրջանային Հակամարտությունները եւ Ապագա Անորոշությունները. Սփյուռքահայ Համայնքները Ժամանակակից Միջին Արեւելքում»: >>
Oriental Institute, University of Oxford - 5 March 2013
Lecture: Cultural Production and Preservation in Diaspora: What is "Armenian about Armenian Culture?
This final session of an eight-lecture seminar will tie together all the discussions in previous sessions and will attempt to outline the key elements of "Armenian culture". What is it that needst o be "preserved" in Armenian culture? What are the key "cultural components" in hayapahpanum? etc.
Oriental Institute, University of Oxford - 19 February 2013
Lecture: Cultural Production and Preservation in Diaspora: "People of the book"
As part of a series of 8 lectures, this session will introduce a number of diaspora writers and present a sociological reading of their works in order to draw attention to some of the problems of language, literary production and readership in theDiaspora.
... A Question for the Diaspora” held on 19 March 2010 at the London School of Economics. Speakers were Dr Armine Ishkanian (LSE), Oskari Pentikainen (International Alert), Dr Hratch Tchilingirian ...
Zoryan Institute Acquires Genocide Archives Unknown for Almost a Century
Armenian Reporter International [Paramus] 08 Aug 1997: 13.
Recently, the Zoryan Institute acquired a large collection of archives related to the Armenian Genocide. The collection was unknown to the world for almost a century.
The archival collection of Royal and Lizzie Cole, American missionaries in Turkish Armenia and Kurdistan in the years 1868-1908, documents events and developments in Turkish Armenia spanning over four extraordinary decades, presents accounts and stories never heard before, and provides additional details for the history of the Armenian massacres.
The Cole Collection was purchased for $100,000. The initial steps to acquire the archives were led by Kourken Sarkissian, President of Zoryan Institute Canada, who, together with Prof. Vahakn Dadrian, went to Portland, Oregon, in May, to see and evaluate the collection. Prof. Saul Negoghosian of the University of Toronto was instrumental in introducing the holder of the archives to the Institute. In early June, Zoryan's new Director Hratch Tchilingirian joined the negotiation process. On June 28, the acquisition of the Collection was finalized and the archives were brought to the Zoryan Institute.
An exercise in disinformation: linking Kurds to NKR
Armenian Reporter [Paramus, NJ] 02 Aug 2008: A4-A5.
Yelena Osipova & Emil Sanamyan
WASHINGTON - Turkish and Azerbaijani officials have frequently sought to link Armenians to the Kurdish resistance in Turkey, typically referred to as the Kurdistan Workers' Party (pkk). But they have provided little to no evidence to substantiate such linkages. These allegations made a comeback between last October and earlier this year at a fairly high level and with all the hallmarks of an organized disinformation campaign. This analysis seeks to deconstruct the chronology of this effort aimed against Armenia.
"Pursuit of 'terrorists' or the presence of terrorists in a given territory has been used as pretext by states around the world for military operations," Hratch Tchilingirian of the University of Cambridge told the Armenian Reporter via e-mail.
A Tortured Priest Rests in Peace; In Memory of Fr. Manuel Yergatian
Armenian Reporter International [Paramus] 21 Feb 2004: 22.
Hratch Tchilingirian
The Very Rev. Fr. Manuel Yergatian, the pastor of the Armenian Church in the Netherlands, passed away on February 11, 2004 at the young age of 50. He was a member of the St. James Brotherhood of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. In 1980, the life of this energetic priest, who was full and contagious enthusiasm, changed irretrievably. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A citizen of Turkey, he was arrested in October 1980 at Istanbul airport while en route to Jerusalem. He was only 33 years old at the time. Fr. Manuel was charged with anti-Turkish activities in the years when various acts of political violence against Turks by Armenians were taking place.
... and will bring them closer to the Church, especially the youth in Armenia and the Diaspora," said Archbishop Ashjian. "We want everyone to become aware of the richness of our traditions and our heritage." ...
... the Diaspora, as well as in Armenia, "the publication of an Armenian book is a courageous event." Tchilingirian cited renowned poet Silva Gaboudigian's characterization in the introduction of ...
... scholarly and community activities in the Diaspora and interviews him on issues of preservation of identity and culture in the Diaspora and on Armenia-Diaspora relations. Co-hosted by Khachatur Gasparyan. Programme ...
... in the region. Until recently, he was a Senior Editor of Armenian International Magazine, and, since 1994, his analyses and articles on contemporary Armenian affairs in Armenia, Karabagh and the Diaspora ...
Oriental Institute, University of Oxford - 5 February 2013
Lecture: Cultural Production and Preservation in Diaspora: Music: from Komitas to rabiz
As part of a series of 8 lectures, the onewill present the writings of Komitas about Armenian ethnographic music and discuss the sociological dimensions of the genres of Armenian music ‐‐ e.g. ethnographic, liturgical, classical, popand rabiz ("tavern music") ‐‐ in both Armenia and the Diaspora
... scholarly and community activities in the Diaspora and interviews him on issues of preservation of identity and culture in the Diaspora and on Armenia-Diaspora relations. Co-hosted by Khachatur Gasparyan. ...
Oriental Institute, University of Oxford - 22 January 2013
Lecture: Cultural Production and Preservation in Diaspora: Visual and Performing Arts
As part of a series of 8 lectures, this session will explore the works of a number of diaspora artists with roots in the Middle East, such as painters Paul Guiragossian, Krikor Norikian and Shant Avedissian and performing artists like Gerarld Avedissian, Krikor Satamian, and others. What is universal in their artistic creation and what is particularly Armenian?
Organised by the Armenian Educational Benevelont Union & Nor Serount Cultural Association
Conference Paper: "From End of Empires to the Global Age: Issues and Questions in Armenian Political Ideology and Strategy"
The founding ideological and strategic pillars of Armenian political parties in the late 19th century in general and the Hunchakian Party in particular were social democracy and the "liberation of the Armenian people" living under suppression and injustice. While many of the fundamental principles of social democracy and freedom have remained relevant in the world in the last 125-year, the changes and developments ushered by the end of Empires in the 20th centuries and the emergence of a connected globalised world pose numerous questions that have not been fully addressed by the leadership of the Party. What is the relevance of an Armenian political party that has existed for 125 years to Armenians living in the 21st century Los Angeles, Paris, Beirut, Damascus or Buenos Aires? This presentation will attempt to deal with this question and offer some thoughts and reflection for future consideration.