What is the Armenian Diaspora Survey?
Armenian Institute (London), Zanazan podcast, 3 June 2021
This podcast explores the people behind the Armenian Diaspora Survey. Hosted by this year’s UK qualitative researcher and AI Academic Advisor, Dr. Susan Pattie speaks with ADS Director Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian (at 4:04 minutes) and a number of team members from around the world, including qualitative researchers Dr. Lalai Manjikian in Montreal and Lucila Tossounian in Buenos Aires, and Boston team leader Dr. Pamela Young. We learn how and why ADS exists, who benefits from it, and where to find out more.
Nagorno-Karabakh: War Fails to Resolve the Conflict
Hratch Tchilingirian (2021) "Nagorno-Karabakh: War Fails to Resolve the Conflict", The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art (CJLPA), Issue 1, Summer 2021: 398-400.
Imagine Boris Johnson ordering the bombing of Edinburgh because the Scots voted for independence in a referendum, or the British Government declaring war against Northern Ireland because it wished to join the Republic of Ireland. Unlike the political dialogue and the search for legal remedies that dissatisfied nations of the United Kingdom utilise to resolve their conflicts, the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, who have been natives of the territory for centuries, have been the target of years of demonisation in Azerbaijan for voting for independence in 1991 as the Soviet Union was collapsing.
Network Nation: Crisis
Network Nation, USC Institute of Armenian Studies, 14 May 2021
Covid and the Karabakh War impacted institutions in the Diaspora, and changed Homeland-Diaspora relations. Or did they? Are Armenians a Crisis Nation – mobilizing urgently but not altering fundamentally? Artsakh Foreign Minister David Babayan joins Dr. Laurie Brand, Dr. Vicken Cheterian, Dr. Shushan Karapetian and Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian to analyze short and long-term impact.
La diaspora passée au crible
Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine N°285, juin 2021
Sociologie: La diaspora passée au crible
Depuis 2018, le projet Armenian Diaspora Survey (ADS) prend le pouls de la diaspora. Cette vaste enquête d’opinion publique panarménienne s’intéresse désormais à l’Ile-de-France. L’initiative censée démarrer en octobre 2020 avait été retardée en raison de la guerre. Rencontre avec le professeur Hratch Tchilingirian, arménologue, professeur à la faculté d’études orientales de l’Université d’Oxford et directeur de l’ADS.
Արդեօք հայերը կրնա՞ն համաշխարհային ազգ մնալ՝ սնանկ հայրենիքով
Hratch Tchilingirian, "Could Armenians remain a global nation with a broken homeland?"
Արդեօք հայերը կրնա՞ն համաշխարհային ազգ մնալ՝ սնանկ հայրենիքով
Հրաչ Չիլինկիրեան, Օքսֆորդի համալասարան / University of Oxford
EVN Report, September 16, 2017 (EVN Report-ի մէջ հրատարակուած անգլերէն բանագրին հայերէն տարբերակը)
Վերջին տարիներուն, «համաշխարհային հայերու» մասին նոր խօսոյթ մը սկսած է յաճախ ընդգրկուիլ յետեղեռնեան հայկական ինքնութիւն ձեւաւորելու ճիգի մը կողմէ՝ Սփիւռքի ու Հայաստանի մէջ։ Այս նոր ինքնութեան բնորդի մշակները կը թուին խրախուսել «վերապրողի մտայնութենէ»ն անցում մը դէպի կեանքի ու յաջողութեան
Religion in a Non Religious War
"Religion in a Non-Religious War: The Conflict over Nagorno Karabakh"
Hratch Tchilingirian, University of Oxford
Strategic Note on Religion & Diplomacy (Georgetown University), May 2021, pp. 8-10.
The instrumentalization of religion—especially Islam by Azerbaijan in foreign relations—in the nonreligious Nagorno Karabakh conflict could further deepen the differences among the parties in the conflict and in the region, and make a final resolution and reconciliation even more difficult.
Fidelity to the Mission of Renewal
... Church is the fact that, despite being small in numbers among Armenians worldwide, this 175-year-old church is one of the most active, visible and organized institutions in the Armenian world. Today, the ...
Biden drops a genocide bomb on Erdogan
Biden drops a genocide bomb on Erdogan
Biden's curiously timed statement on WWI atrocity against Ottoman Armenians drives US-Turkey relations to a new low
. . .“there was no additional strategic risk for the US in doing this,” Hratch Tchilingirian, from Oxford University’s Faculty of Oriental Studies, told Asia Times...
'Entering into the womb of the earth'
... Diocese of the Armenian Church, Los Angeles, 6 March 2021.
> [audio recording of the lecture]
[conference presentations on Youtube] ::/introtext:: ::fulltext::
Keynote speaker: "'Entering into ...
Karabağ’da Hristiyanlık
Karabağ’da Hristiyanlık: Azerbaycan’ın Tarihi Yeniden Yazma Çabaları Yeni Değil
Hratch Tchilingirian, Oxford Üniversitesi
HyeTert.org, 9.12.2020 - Karabağ’da silahlı çatışma başlamadan çok daha önce, bölgenin gerçek tarihini ‘ispatlama’ çabaları, tarihçiler, siyaset bilimi uzmanları, arkeologlar, araştırmacılar ve bürokratlar için akademik ve bilimsel bir savaş alanıydı. Sovyet araştırma geleneği, özellikle de tarihin inşası süreci, oldukça yıkıcıydı ve hala da çatışan tarafların...
Nagorno Karabakh, il mistero della chiesa scomparsa
Nagorno Karabakh, il mistero della chiesa scomparsa
Dopo la fine del conflitto, continua la preoccupazione degli armeni per la perdita del loro patrimonio culturale
ACI Stampa, 26 marzo 2021, Andrea Gagliarducci
... In questi giorni è stato pubblicato uno studio di Hratch Tchilingirian, che ha messo in luce come, da quando il Nagorno Karabakh è stato assegnato all’Azerbaijan divenuto una repubblica sovietica...
Christianity in Karabakh: Azerbaijani Efforts At Rewriting History Are Not New
... living on the land, rather than in history books, point to hundreds of ancient monuments, ruins of religious buildings, churches and monasteries as “living witnesses” to Armenian presence in Karabakh. ...
We have outlived empires and can build our nation's tomorrow
We have outlived empires and can build our nation's tomorrow
CivilNet / HyeTert / Massis Post 11 November 2020
Hratch Tchilingirian, Oxford
As one of the nations in this world, whose millennia-long biography is the envy of the world, we should not allow some anomalous, self-interested forces, circles or personalities trample the national wisdom we have gained through myriads of imposed wars, destruction and displacement.
Crisis in the Caucasus: Nagorno Karabakh
Publications & lectures about Nagorno Karabakh
... / journal articles / lectures
Hratch Tchilingirian (2023) “Reverse Engineering: A State-Created ‘Albanian Apostolic Church’” in Caucasian Albania. An International Handbook. Edited by Jost Gippert and ...
Restructuring Minority Majority Relations
London School of Economics
LSE Forum for Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies Schapiro Seminar
“Restructuring Minority-Majority Relations in Soviet and Post-Soviet Abkhazia and Karabakh”
Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian, University of Cambridge
26 October 2004, 5:00 PM
D702, Clement House, LSE European Institute.
Սփիւռքահայ Հանրային Կարծիքը
Դասախօս «Սփիւռքահայ Հանրային Կարծիքը՝ 21րդ Դարուն»
ADS prend le pouls de la Diaspora
France Arménie, No. 478, Octobre 2020, pp. 35-37.
ADS prend le pouls de la Diaspora
Depuis deux ans, une équipe de chercheurs arméniens parcourt des communautés de la Diaspora pour y réaliser des enquêtes approfondies d’opinion publique. Cet automne, une équipe de chercheurs s’intéressera à la communauté francilienne. C’est pour mieux comprendre les motivations de cette initiative que nous avons interrogé le responsable du projet, Hratch Tchilingirian, sociologue, professeur à la chaire d’arménologie de l’Université d’Oxford.
The Pandemic and Vulnerable Diaspora Communities
Pillers of Diasporic Life