Lecture: ‘Re-Islamisation’ of public space and Christian communities in Turkey today." Eastern Christianity Lecture Seminar Series (6th edition), 26 February 2019, Pembroke College, Oxford.
... clergymen, his sermons were almost entirely focused on the Gospel message and its relevance to Armenians today. His Eastern message to the Armenian people, on the occasion of the Jubilee of Christianity ...
... of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.
Above the cross, the letters «ՅԱ» (Armenian for 301) indicate the year of Armenia’s adoption of Christianity as state religion. At the foot of the khatchkar, the ...
... in the spread of Christianity throughout the world.
On this day, however, the public ceremony is also intended to convey a clear message. “This property belongs to the Armenian Patriarchate of ...
Paper: “Islamic Response to the Karabakh Conflict” at the 25th anniversary conference of “Le Caucase entre les Empires, XVIe-XXIe siècle”, Journée d’étude en hommage à Claire Mouradian. Organisée par le CERCEC (CNRS/EHESS), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 29 novembre 2018.
Lecture: «Միջին Արևելքի քրիստոնեա համայնքները պատերազմի, կրոնական ծայրահեղականության եւ անորոշապագայիմիջև» (Christian communities in the Middle East), Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, 13 November 2018.
Keynote Lecture: "Christianity in the Middle East: contexts and challenges" at Eastern Christian Tradition in the World Today: Dialogues, Ecumenism, Theology and Ecclesiology, Heythrop College, University of London, organised by Centre for Eastern Christianity, 18 June 2018.
Panelist (with Kenneth Ross, Mariz Tadros, John Eibner, Anthony O’Mahony) "Christianity in North Africa and West Asia" (watch).
Hratch Tchilingirian (2018) “Armenia and Karabkah” in Christianity in North Africa and West Asia, edited by Kenneth R. Ross, Mariz Tadros, and Todd M. Johnson. Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018: 190-201.
Hratch Tchilingirian and Ed Alden (2018) "Turkey" in Christianity in North Africa and West Asia, edited by Kenneth R. Ross, Mariz Tadros, and Todd M. Johnson. Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018: 92-101.
... University was entitled "Wars, religious extremism and future challenges facing Eastern Christianity in the Middle East." ::/introtext:: ::fulltext::
Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian...spoke ...
Hratch Tchilingirian, The Struggle for Independence in the post-Soviet South Caucasus: Karabakh and Abkhazia. London: Sandringham House, 2003. ISBN 9781366927606.
... in Egypt and the Middle East, organized by Centre of World Christianity, Department of Religion and Philosophies, SOAS, University of London.
8 July 2017, School of Oriental and African Studies
Programme ...
Lecture: “Wars, religious extremism and future challenges facing Eastern Christianity in the Middle East”, organised by Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and Yerevan State University.
Lecture: “A 15th century ‘Curriculum for Educating Infants’ in the Armenian Church”, Eastern Christianity Lecture Series convened by the Oxford Armenian Studies, The Oriental Institute, University of Oxford
... of Oxford - specializing in Eastern Christianity and Armenian Studies - spoke to CivilNet about the current Armenia-Diaspora relations. ::/introtext:: ::fulltext::
CivilNet, 22 December 2016
The Diaspora ...
Paper: "The Future of Christianity in the Middle East" at conference on “Christianity in the Middle East today: Present challenges and future perspectives” organised by the Centre for Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College, University of London and the Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust in association with the Centre for World Christianity, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London.
18 June 2016, Heythrop College, University of London.