Lecture: ‘Re-Islamisation’ of public space and Christian communities in Turkey today." Eastern Christianity Lecture Seminar Series (6th edition), 26 February 2019, Pembroke College, Oxford.
... government, all three have different views and opinions... when these three shoot at each other, we are right in the middle," he said with frustration.
Leading an extremely vulnerable community required ...
... Hratch Tchilingirian, a sociologist and associate faculty member at the University of Oxford, who specialises in MiddleEastern and Armenian studies. ::/introtext:: ::fulltext::
The ...
... specializing in MiddleEastern and Armenian Studies, with a particular focus on cultural identity politics, homeland-diaspora relations, sociology of religion, and inter-ethnic conflicts in the Middle ...
... for centuries carried out the mission of maintaining the Holy Sites and preserving the Armenian Christian identity in the heart of the MiddleEast.” His Holiness also described the connection between Jerusalem ...
Lecture: «Միջին Արևելքի քրիստոնեա համայնքները պատերազմի, կրոնական ծայրահեղականության եւ անորոշապագայիմիջև» (Christian communities in the Middle East), Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, 13 November 2018.
Keynote Lecture: "Christianity in the Middle East: contexts and challenges" at Eastern Christian Tradition in the World Today: Dialogues, Ecumenism, Theology and Ecclesiology, Heythrop College, University of London, organised by Centre for Eastern Christianity, 18 June 2018.
Panelist (with Kenneth Ross, Mariz Tadros, John Eibner, Anthony O’Mahony) "Christianity in North Africa and West Asia" (watch).
Peroomian, Tchilingirian to Speak at ARF’s First Republic Conference
Glendale (Asbarez, March 7, 2018)—To mark and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the first Republic of Armenia, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Western United States, in collaboration with the California State University, Northridge Armenian Studies Program, has organized a two-day academic conference, “Armenian Statehood Reborn: Achievements and Reflections.”… Two of the acclaimed speakers at the conference will be Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian and Dr. Rubina Peroomian...
... 17th-century Dutch bookbinder Albert Magnus.
Although acquired in 1988, the collection was catalogued nearly 30 years later -- by Dr. V. N. Nersessian, former Christian MiddleEast Section curator at ...
Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian...spoke about the global humanitarian challenges and their reflection in the Middle East. The lecture at the Yerevan State University was entitled "Wars, religious extremism and future challenges facing Eastern Christianity in the Middle East."
Paper: "Secularising Effects of Sectarianism: The Case of the Armenian Church in the Middle East During the Cold War Era" at Rethinking Nationalism, Sectarianism and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East, convened by Dr Alex Henley, Dr Ceren Lord, Dr Hiroko Miyokawaunder, under the auspices of Pembroke College, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, the Middle East Centre at St Antony’s College, and The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), 27 February 2018.
Historic Ordination of a Deaconess in the Tehran Diocese of the Armenian Church
Hratch Tchilingirian | CivilNet.am 12 January 2018 [updated 20.06.2019]
The Primate of the Diocese of Tehran ordained a young woman as a deaconess in Tehran’s St. Sarkis Mother Church on September 25, 2017. Even as the office of deaconess had existed in Armenian Church convents for centuries, this was a historic first. It is the first time that a lay woman, not a nun, was ordained a “parish deacon”
Historic Ordination of a Deaconess in the Tehran Diocese of the Armenian Church
Hratch Tchilingirian | 12 January 2018
The Primate of the Diocese of Tehran ordained a young woman as a deaconess in Tehran’s St. Sarkis Mother Church on September 25, 2017. Even as the office of deaconess had existed in Armenian Church convents for centuries, this was a historic first. It is the first time that a lay woman, not a nun, was was ordained a “parish deacon.”
In recent years a new discourse on “global Armenians” is increasingly becoming part of an effort of constructing a post-Genocide Armenian identity in the Diaspora — and Armenia. These new identity shapers seem to advocate a transition from “survival mentality” to celebration of life and success. One definition was provided in a full-page letter
... plight of minorities and Christian communities in the MiddleEast, especially in academic and policy-making circles. Following his PhD at the London School of Economics, he was director of research on ...