... surface, new and possibly constructive positions are being tested
By Hratch Tchilingirian
The conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis over Nagorno Karabakh has resisted attempts at a solution ...
The dispute between Armenians and Azerbaijanis over Nagorno Karabakh–a small enclave of 4388 square kilometres in Azerbaijan, with a population of about 150,000–is the oldest conflict in the former Soviet ...
... for unification with Armenia, by 1991 it had became a full-scale war. As the USSR crumbled, Nagorno-Karabakh declared independence in September 1991, as the "Republic of Mountainous Karabakh." It has not ...
... on Diaspora life and relations with Armenia)
(PDF version) ::/introtext:: ::fulltext::Արին (Arin, monthly magazine, Beirut), January-February 1997.
«Հայրենիքի գոյութիւնը որեւէ Սփիւռքի համար անոր ...
War Report, No. 50, April 1997 (c) Copyright: The Institute for War and Peace Reporting 1997
ARMENIA: REBOOTING THE POLITICAL HARD DRIVE The Karabakh leader becomes Armenia’s new prime minister
by Hratch Tchilingirian
On March 20 President Levon Ter-Petrossian named the leader of the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, Robert Kocharian, 43, as Armenia's new prime minister. He replaces Armen Sarkissian who resigned on March 6 owing to serious illness.
... ::/introtext:: ::fulltext::THE NAGORNO KARABAKH CONFLICT
The positions of Azerbaijan, Armenia, ...
(c) Copyright Oxford Analytica 1996 - December 6, 1996
ARMENIA/AZERBAIJAN: Nagorno-Karabakh Impasse
[Hratch Tchilingirian]
The Lisbon summit of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which ended on December 3, failed to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
... problèmes au gouvernement et à la société turque », tout en ayant conscience qu’ « à cause de cela, nous aurons parfois des problèmes » (Armenian International Magazine, 11/3, mars 2000). Son intime conviction ...
Armenian International Magazine (AIM), Vol. 12, Issue 3, April 2001, pp. 30-36
THE FORGOTTEN DIASPORA Bulgarian-Armenians after the end of Communism
By Hratch Tchilingirian
"As long as my neighbor is worse, I don’t have to be better," goes the Bulgarian saying. When faced with enormous problems, a sense of relative wellness might provide temporary comfort. A decade after the fall of Communism, Bulgarian-Armenians describe the current state of their community with both pessimism and hope -- and offer many ideas for a preferred future.
Armenian International Magazine (AIM), Vol. 12, Issue 3, April 2001, pp. pp. 31, 32, 35
Creating New Cultural Scripts Ancient Techniques for Modern Expression in a New Bulgaria
By Hratch Tchilingirian
In 1997, a collection of more than 150 works of Bulgarian-Armenian artists was exhibited for the first time under one roof. The 50 artists featured (13 women) in the exhibit included those who had come to Bulgaria as refugees, such as Tbilisi-born Grigori Agaronian (1896-1978), Trabizon-born Kamer Medzadurian (1908-1987), and Swiss-born Carl Shahveledian (1898-1953), and Bulgaria-born artists, among them Araksi Karagiosian (b. 1896), Diran Sarkisian (1894-1970), Ovagim Ovagimian (b. 1908), Hilda Haritinova (1908-1990) and a host of contemporary painters and sculptors.
Armenian International Magazine (AIM), Vol. 12, Issue 3, April 2001, pp. 30-36
THE FORGOTTEN DIASPORA Bulgarian-Armenians after the end of Communism
By Hratch Tchilingirian
"As long as my neighbor is worse, I don’t have to be better," goes the Bulgarian saying. When faced with enormous problems, a sense of relative wellness might provide temporary comfort. A decade after the fall of Communism, Bulgarian-Armenians describe the current state of their community with both pessimism and hope -- and offer many ideas for a preferred future.
Armenian International Magazine (AIM) Vol. 12, Issue 2, March 2001, pp 18-19
The British Library's extensive exhibit dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of Armenian Christianity
By Hratch Tchilingirian
Ten years in the making, the British Library in London is staging a large-scale and first of its kind exhibit, called "Treasures from the Ark: 1700 Years of Armenian Christian Art," that will be on displace from March 2 until May 28
Armenian International Magazine (AIM) Vol. 12, Issue 2, March 2001, pp 22-24
Cover Story
CELEBRATION OF FAITH The Armenian Church celebrates 1700th Anniversary of its Establishment and Adoption of State Religion in Armenia
By Hratch Tchilingirian
Imagine a giant organization with over 350 offices and branches in some 40 countries, with 500 top executives, thousands of full- and part-time employees, tens of thousands of volunteers, serving millions of people. That's the Armenian Apostolic Church today and, this year, it's celebrating the 1700th anniversary of its founding.
Armenian International Magazine (AIM) November 2000 Vol. 11, No. 11
Armenia Joins Europe What Council of Europe Membership will mean for Armenia and Azerbaijan
The Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers passed a resolution on November 9 accepting Armenia as a full member of the 41-nation pan-European democratic and human rights organization. The Armenian flag will be raised outside the organization's headquarters in Strasbourg in January when the CE Parliamentary Assembly, which had also voted in favor of accession in June (see AIM July 2000) formally ratifies the decision.
Armenian International Magazine (AIM) November 2000 Vol. 11, No. 11
Catholicos Visits John Paul II Heads of 'Sister' Churches Renew Ties
The heads of the Armenian and Roman Catholic Churches met in the Vatican during Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II's official three-day visit to Rome.
Armenian International Magazine (AIM) Vol. 11, No. 10, October 2000, pp. 58-61.
Risking Democracy Much at stake for President and Son in upcoming elections in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijanis will go to the polls on November 5 to cast their votes for a new Parliament. However, indirectly, it seems they will be voting for a new president. An ailing President Haidar Aliyev, hospitalized at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio where he had heart surgery just a few years ago, must hang on until the elections, until his son Ilham Aliyev is elected to Parliament. This would make the younger Aliyev eligible for the position of that body’s Speaker, and thus able to assume the duties of the president in the event the head of state is incapacitated or dies.
Armenian International Magazine (AIM) Vol. 11, No. 10, October 2000, pp. 40-44. COVER STORY
Dividing Jerusalem Armenians on the line of confrontation
The Armenian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem has become one of the most talked about issues in the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli negotiations over the final status of the city that is sacred to Christians, Jews and Muslims. At the Camp David II talks in the US in July [2000], it was proposed that the Old City be divided into two sections: Israeli control over the Jewish and Armenian quarters and Palestinian control over the Christian and Muslim quarters.
Armenian International Magazine (AIM) July 2000, Volume 11, No. 7, pp. 44-45.
COUNCIL OF EUROPE Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe Votes In favor of Armenia’s membership
By Hratch Tchilingirian
On June 28 the Coucil of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) voted unanimously to approve Armenia’s bid to join the 41-member organization. Armenia is set to become a full member of Council of Europe (CE) when its Committee of Ministers meet in September. Azerbaijan’s bid was also overwhelmingly accepted, with just one vote against.
Armenian International Magazine (AIM) Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2000, pp. 50-51
A Noble Cause Violinist Levon Chilingirian Crusades for Armenia’s Musicians
By Hratch Tchilingirian
With all the pomp and regalia of royal ritual, Queen Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, has bestowed upon Violinist Levon Chilingirian, 52, the title of Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his "contribution to music" during a ceremony at Buckingham Palace in February. OBE, established by King George V in 1917, is awarded to British subjects for their "outstanding work."