Lecture: The Armenian Church in Europe

The Catholicosate of Cilicia, Theological Seminary

Lecture: "The Armenian Church in Europe"

3 August 2011

Bikfaya, Lebanon


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Lecture: "Minority within Minorities: Armenian communities in the Middle East

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London


"Minority within Minorities: Armenian communities in the Middle East today between imposed realities and uncertain future"

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, hosted by Near and Middle East Department, Middle East Society and Armenian Studies at SOAS.

17 March 2011


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Paper: Restructuring and Transformation of Internal Political Struggles in the South Caucasus

Department of Social Sciences of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


"Restructuring and Transformation of Internal Political Struggles in the South Caucasus," presented at Conference on "Conflict as an Instrument in Internal Political Struggles: Secession Crises in the Post-Soviet Area," 

Supported by Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, German Turkish Masters Program in Social Sciences, DAAD and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

2 December 2010


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Speaker: Assistance or Development? A Question for the Diaspora

London School of Economics


“Assistance or Development? A Question for the Diaspora”

Armenian Development Forum

London School of Economics.

19 March 2010

Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House




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Speaker: South Caucasus and Regional Issues

Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK Government

Invited speaker

FCO Seminar: South Caucasus and Regional Issues

30 October 2009

FCO Conference, London




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Lecture: Issues and Questions in Contemporary Diaspora

Haigazian University, Beirut


“Issues and Questions in Contemporary Diaspora”

26 May 2009

Haigazian University campus




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Turkey, Azerbaijan and the Future of European Energy Security

Oxford University, 9 May 2009

Conference on “Turkey, Azerbaijan and the Future of European Energy Security

organised by Oxford University Turkish Society, Oxford Azerbaijan Society and LINKS

Paper: "The Impact of Domestic and Regional politics on the energy policies of Azerbaijan and Turkey"

pdfConference programme


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Paper: Minorities in the Middle East

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Conference paper

"Minorities in the Middle East"

7 November 2008

Center for Middle East and North African Studies

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor



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Speaker: Governance and Tolerance Issues in South Caucasus: Implications for Conflict Resolution

UK Government's Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Invited speaker

"Governance and Tolerance Issues in South Caucasus: Implications for Conflict Resolution"

13 March 2008

FCO Conference, London



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